A Look Inside #11 – Bunn My Cafe Parts 1 and 2
Posted in: VideoA look inside and fix / repair of the Bunn My Cafe single serve coffee maker
Playlist Content
1. Part 1 - A Look Inside #11 - Bunn My Cafe
What makes these fail?! A silly, cheap, air purge pump that also causes most Keurig coffee makers to fail and be thrown away..
Some of the components that make this run:
* Mini Air Pump – 12V – KPM27H – Keurig Coffee Brewer Air Purge Pump.
* ST Micro T4 3570 Snubberless triac – http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resourc…
* ST Micro T1635T-8I Snubberless triac – http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resourc…
* National Semiconductor LM317K Adjustable Voltage Regulator – http://www.futurlec.com/Linear/LM317K…
* MOTOROLA MOC3023 Random-Phase
Optoisolator Triac Driver Output – http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datashee…
* MICROCHIP PIC18F 24K20 Microcontroller / MCU for Motor Control and Drive – http://www.microchip.com/design-cente… -
2. Part 2 - A Look Inside #11 - Bunn My Cafe
Part 2 of Look Inside #11 is a look at the Bunn My Cafe circuit board.
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