Hi there,
I am a newbie here. Am going to start a solar power generator project but do not how to start. I have few DC appliance need to be use for my mobile food truck. Need help for some suggestion.
Here are the lists of equipment that I'll be using:
1. 24v DC wall fan = 40 watts
2. Handphone (2 units) = 10 watts
3. LED tube light (2 units) = 45 watts
4. 24v DC Exhaust fan = 30 watts
5. 24v DC water pump (5 L/m) = 15 watts
I would like to seek your advice or maybe some suggestion how should I engage proper Solar Charge Controller, Power Inverter & the Gel Battery. I am in the midst of fabricating a solar power generator for my business. With 300W Mono Crystalline panel & 24v DC 150Ah battery, would it be suitable to generate power?