I took a couple of pictures of my Beta 1760/RMS DMM for anybody who is intrested. The board and maybe also the shell is a rebranding from another brand, my question is does anybody know what brand? There are some numbers written on the board, it looks like it reads UR but mirrored with a number.
some specs:
Measuring range Base accuracy
AC/DC voltage 110mV – 600V ±0.8% - ±2% rdg
AC/DC current 110μA – 10A ±1.5% - ±2% rdg
Resistance 110Ω – 40MΩ ±1.2% - ±2.5% rdg
Capacity 11nF – 40mF ±5% - ±10% rdg ( up to11mF)
Frequency 1100Hz – 110 MHz ±1.2% - ±1.5% rdg
Temperature -32°C – 1000°C ±3% - ±5% rdg
Diode test 3V dc ±10% rdg
Continuity <30 Ω

Thank U for watching
Greets Rob