BTW: I doubt, that this DMM is the "real" european version!
Why? Magnify the picture with the "GS"-sign and look yourself.
It claims Cat IV 600V and Cat III 1000V like the international version without "GS"-sign.
And that is simply wrong. It is rated: Cat III 300V, Cat II 600V
Yes, you may be right. All too many fakes, lies, scams and cheating from those sources unfortunately.
I have contacted the seller hoping to get a more clear reply but haven't heard from them since.
It says on the site that you will get a full or part refund if the item isn't as described, but it's too much of a hassle and if I have to send it back at my own expense, the postage costs alone probably doesn't justify the savings.
So to conclude it seems I can either buy a cheap "Chinese" (non-GS) version from just about any eBay site or buy a genuine GS-rated version for a much higher cost from a European reseller such as
Pollin in Germany.
Apart from the better protection and more realistic voltage ratings in GS version, is the Chinese version of lower quality otherwise? I will use mine only for low voltage electronics and household voltage (AC 230V).