Author Topic: UNI-T UT61E Discount available to viewers  (Read 79635 times)


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Re: UNI-T UT61E Discount available to viewers
« Reply #90 on: April 07, 2015, 07:08:47 AM »
Thanks Franky, no problem. I miss the messages on the forum as well since I don't receive notifications by mail....


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Re: UNI-T UT61E Discount available to viewers
« Reply #91 on: August 12, 2015, 03:42:50 PM »
In the case Franky has no more UT-61e´s (like he had written some time ago), they are not hard to find...


International Version (including shipping):
Price: 50.14 USD ~ 48,34 CHF

German "GS" Version (excluding shipping):
Price: 78,- EUR ~ 81,60 CHF

I'm trying to find a German "GS" version for a lower price than around the usual € 80 from several European dealers, hopefully closer to the Chinese version price (around € 50) and came across this "European market Hot sale UNI-T UT61E" at AliExpress for US$ 60 (€ 53) including shipping.

But if you look closer only the first photo shows the "GS rated" version while the others seem to be of the Chinese version (which comes with an RS-232 cable and not USB as with the German one). Also the specs seem to refer to the Chinese version (USB cable optional, higher voltage ratings), so I contacted them to ask about this but only received a poor English reply with something about them being a Uni-T agent selling authentic Uni-T meters, the info on their page is correct and I can be assured that I will receive the one in the first picture.
In other words, their reply wasn't very assuring, and I'm still not sure they'd be sending the same "GS" version I would receive if I purchased it through a European dealer ???

Has anyone else bought their "GS" UT61E from them and can confirm that this is actually the European version (at a much reduced price)?

UPDATE: and here's the same meter from the same seller for US$ 10 less (total US$ 50/€ 45 including shipping):o
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 08:01:05 AM by lynx »


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Re: UNI-T UT61E Discount available to viewers
« Reply #92 on: August 15, 2015, 12:21:10 AM »

Just for fun... Look here:

It´s explicit the european "GS"- version. 50.09 USD incl. shipping.
But it has only the RS232-cable.

BTW: I doubt, that this DMM is the "real" european version!
Why? Magnify the picture with the "GS"-sign and look yourself.
It claims Cat IV 600V and Cat III 1000V like the international version without "GS"-sign.
And that is simply wrong. It is rated: Cat III 300V, Cat II 600V.
(To verify look at this [german] manual:
And it is very easy to print any wanted sign on it...


« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 12:43:40 AM by ProBang2 »
If you think, my english is bad, then you should read my french. :(


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Re: UNI-T UT61E Discount available to viewers
« Reply #93 on: August 15, 2015, 08:29:26 AM »
BTW: I doubt, that this DMM is the "real" european version!
Why? Magnify the picture with the "GS"-sign and look yourself.
It claims Cat IV 600V and Cat III 1000V like the international version without "GS"-sign.
And that is simply wrong. It is rated: Cat III 300V, Cat II 600V

Yes, you may be right. All too many fakes, lies, scams and cheating from those sources unfortunately.
I have contacted the seller hoping to get a more clear reply but haven't heard from them since.
It says on the site that you will get a full or part refund if the item isn't as described, but it's too much of a hassle and if I have to send it back at my own expense, the postage costs alone probably doesn't justify the savings.

So to conclude it seems I can either buy a cheap "Chinese" (non-GS) version from just about any eBay site or buy a genuine GS-rated version for a much higher cost from a European reseller such as Pollin in Germany.

Apart from the better protection and more realistic voltage ratings in GS version, is the Chinese version of lower quality otherwise? I will use mine only for low voltage electronics and household voltage (AC 230V).
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 12:57:05 PM by lynx »