My two of these from you turned up today! (I ordered them before I signed up for the forum, so I will take my eBay ding with good heart).
Very impressed with how fast they turned up and so forth, and I'm having fun playing with them.
I have a couple of comments---they are not complaints
at all, I mention them just in case they are useful to you or anyone else.
1. The mini CD that came in the package with the software on didn't work in any of my computers, because they're all slot-loaders: I managed to find a tray-loading CD drive in a cupboard though so that was OK
2. The DMM.EXE software has to be run as an administrator under Windows because it needs to talk to the hardware, and I couldn't see this in the documentation. It doesn't
check whether you're an admin, it just says 'Can't start COM port' or something if you're not. It flummoxed me for a couple of minutes, because my normal Windows user account isn't an admin account.
I'm hoping to hack something up to get this to talk sensibly to my main datamunging PC, which runs something UNIXy, so watch this space...