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Crystal Tester
Paul Collins M0BSW:
This has become a very useful device, which can be be found on Alan W2AEW You tube channel, it's a crystal checker,it's hooked up to your scope and frequency counter. I built this in probably my favourite method Manhattan or island style.
So here is my chance to say "Thanks Alan". This is going in a box & belongs on the bench , I'm using a Ali or maybe a ABS box, couple of grippers to connect to the Crystal, and a couple of BNC's for scope and Freq counter. I'll post a final picture shortly.
I should make myself one as well, to test the giant collection of crystals i have, all with odd frequencies on them.
Paul Collins M0BSW:
Well here it is boxed and working on the bench, another item ticked off.
Yes you should Sean, especially if you want to build a X-Tal ladder line filter, I've been able to match 10 up very close to 0.002, which should make the job easier, when I have the RF sweeper up and running.
73 Paul M0BSW
Mr Eastwood:
Nice one - I'll have to have a go at one of those myself!
This looks like a fun and handy thing to build---I have a small jar of mystery crystals, so...
... that does mean I need to go and get a frequency counter first, mind you
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