Author Topic: YouTube Nostalgia - How Time Flies  (Read 827 times)


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YouTube Nostalgia - How Time Flies
« on: August 25, 2021, 12:40:52 PM »
I never used to like YouTube. The video quality was very poor, people uploaded crap, and my computer could barely keep up with it. Come 2010 (ish) I had a much newer computer and Youtube started supporting HD, and people like Martin, Dave Jones, and others started making interesting, fun, high-quality and well produced content that was worth watching.

Back then I never thought that in 10 years time, I'd be looking back at old YouTube videos with Nostalgia in the same way that we do with TV programmes and magazines.

I occasionally watch Martin's old videos, sometimes for reference/educational purposes, sometimes for fun. I do miss the Cardboard Fluke 87. And did the Lead Crystal battery ever die? I'll have to go and look that one up. It'd be funny if it survived the various house moves and is still being torture tested to this day!

I've always been interested in solar power and Martin's videos helped me learn about the different technologies and inspired me to eventually have my own system installed. My installation is now 4 years old and still going strong.

And I have to ask... Will we ever see the boob job video? It's nearly been 10 years... (

I wonder what we'll be getting nostalgic about in another 10 years.