Author Topic: Electronics Tutorial #1 & 2  (Read 5329 times)


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Electronics Tutorial #1 & 2
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:40:41 PM »

I have some questions after watching Electronics Tutorial #1:

- What determines that a power source will produce AC or DC?
- If AC is more efficient than DC, why is DC used in automobiles?
- On the oscilloscope, when the wave goes past zero, is electricity being produced?
- In the analogy of the pipes and water it's mentioned that the power source doesn't produce the water/electricity. What does produce it?
- In the pipe analogy, it's stated that if the valve is closed there will be no flow but there will be still pressure. Would that pressure exceed the 12 volts because it has nowhere else to go and the pressure just keeps building at the valve?
- The 110v doesn't produce enough amps to operate a kettle, so a greater voltage is needed. Why then in a car a larger battery will produce more amps but keeps the same voltage? Shouldn't a greater voltage be needed to produce more amps? How do two different sized batteries produce different amperages even though they have the same voltage? Sometimes even the same sized batteries produce different amps.



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Re: Electronics Tutorial #1 & 2
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2016, 08:28:37 AM »
This percentage is then applied it to my liking very much the same.


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Re: Electronics Tutorial #1 & 2
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2017, 10:15:43 PM »
A lot smarter.